Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Root Canal or Extraction?

If you’re experiencing tooth or facial pain that doesn’t go away in a day or two, it is time to see the dentist. Ignoring dental problems is never an effective solution. Depending on the severity of the damage, you may require a root canal or extraction to eradicate the pain.

Signs You May Need a Root Canal or Extraction

There are a number of uncomfortable symptoms that may signal the need for a root canal or extraction. If you experience any of the following, it’s imperative to obtain prompt dental care:

  • Tooth sensitivity to heat or cold 
  • Pain and/or tenderness when chewing
  • Pain and/or tenderness when touched
  • Swelling of the mouth and/or face 
  • Abscess on gum tissue or presence of pus

Tooth decay is a common culprit when it comes to oral health problems. When bacteria and carbohydrate sugars react in the mouth, corrosive acids are formed that dissolve the protective enamel covering the teeth. If left untreated, bacteria will also move under the gum line attacking the soft tissue, roots and bone.

Which is Best? 

Most people don’t want to lose their natural teeth if at all possible. Luckily, natural teeth can often be spared with a root canal. According to a survey conducted by the American Association of Endodontists, 76 percent of survey participants said they’d choose a root canal over an extraction.
Another surprising statistic is that 58 percent of survey participants who have had an extraction did not replace the tooth or teeth. Unfortunately, this isn’t just a cosmetic issue. Continued oral health problems, like shifting neighboring teeth and bone loss, can result when missing teeth aren’t replaced.

Preventing Oral Health Problems 

The best way to avoid extractions and even root canals is through preventive measures. Although prevention isn’t 100 percent effective, it can go a long way towards ensuring good oral health. In addition to daily brushing and flossing, it’s crucial to get regular dental checkups. Only professional cleanings can remove harmful tartar and plaque — the precursor to periodontal disease.

We Can Help 

Don’t suffer with unnecessary discomfort any longer — schedule your appointment with Woo Family Dentistry today by calling 510-351-0931. Dr. Woo and his friendly, experienced staff not only handle all of your oral health needs. Whether you need a root canal or just a checkup, Dr. Woo and his staff are here to serve you!

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